I take the collection spool from the machine, and tie the end (beginning?) to a standing steel rod. It is very important to keep it under tension at all times when not coated. The uncoated fuse that runs on the collection spool is under tension. The way i coat my visco is partly from how i saw the Chinese do it in some occasions. I just need to make sure i'm back to turn it off when there is no more powder left in the container.Įdited by spitfire, 12 June 2012 - 11:51 AM. I just charge the machine, start it and walk away. The 3rd version you see in the picture can even operate when i'm not around. Back in those days i didn't have a clue about NC coating so it never produced any usable fuse. It worked, although i needed more than 2 hands to operate it well. A hand cranked machine is also possible, my first version was hand operated too. A tool to drill holes exactly 90 degrees is also very handy when making firework tooling. That is the easiest way for getting disks and rods to the right size and almost perfectly centered. You'll need to determine the exact center of several parts and if needed, sand them down by placing the whole in a drill, (by placing a bolt and nut in the center and use the bolt to place it in the drill) and hold it against a belt sanding machine while running both. Graumann, basic wood working tools are some of the tooling that comes most in hand the way i built it. Some examples of various fuses i made with this machine. Some of the uncoated fuse on the collection spool. Very basic, low tech, but it works great. I will try to get some pics here: (fingers crossed) Not worth going trough all the trouble of making any semi automatic device to coat the fuse. This method is extremely cheap, easy and fast. I placed the rods about 2 meters apart, the avarage size of a normal dinner table. It's dry in a few minutes, and the fuse it cut loose from the rods. Then i just ''paint'' it with 3 or 4 layers of NC. The way i coat my visco is by winding it around 2 rods drilled inside a working table and under constant tension, wind the uncoated visco around it from one rod to the other and back. My wife repeatedly watched me in confusion why i was working on fuse AGAIN ''while you have miles of good fuse in stock?!'' The misses just doesn't get it. Why was i searching so long for this composition and the typical properties it has as a fuse? Nothing fancy, i just love the aggressive hissing noise when it burns, the large hot flame and the smell. Be aware of the dangers when working with those compositions. The ''flow'' was sometimes a real pain, using NC laquer sometimes ruined the composition, or a lot of dross was left behind when the fuse burned. I burned and wasted several pounds of expensive chemicals over time but most of 'em where useless. I tested dozens of compositions, which sometimes gave very suprising visco, but not what i was looking for. The continuous dosing-blending-compression system is now available at GEA’s test facilities in Halle, Belgium, for customer product trials.I have been searching and testing for over 3 years for a composition that the Chinese use in their yellow or green visco in cake items. Segregation is kept to an absolute minimum and online process monitoring detects out-of-specification (OOS) tablets. As a result, to increase process yield and guarantee tablet quality, an innovative continuous dosing, blending and compression system has been developed by GEA that eliminates these production inefficiencies and product quality risks. Producing MUPS tablets using conventional bin blending to feed a tablet press is reported by many pharmaceutical manufacturers to pose significant challenges regarding productivity and batch content uniformity. The IBC is then transported to a storage area or immediately transferred to the compression room. MUPS formulations can be processed by extrusion–spheronization, pelletization, granulation, spray drying and spray congealing, but are typically prepared by dry blending the pellets and excipients in a bin blender and discharging the mixture into a drum or IBC.